Ship Repair, Maintenance and Conversion
Swansea Drydocks' ship repair services, ensure that your ships can be operated profitably and kept in proper condition in line with IMO regulations, flag state requirements and classification society standards.
- Routine docking work for hull coating renewal, underwater work, repairs, steelwork renewals and major refits
- Damage repairs, where extensive work, particularly to the ship’s structure, may be required. SDL offers comprehensive machining and manufacturing facilities, with machine and rebuilds undertaken.
- SDL can carry out extensive repairs in relation to damage from major hull steel replacement with class/coded welders and certificated steel, fire damage to engine room and accommodation to include major repairs of electrical installation. All work will be carried out to the satisfaction of the owners and the insurers.
- Ballast Water Treatment System installation “ONE STOP SHOP”. We offer a full turnkey installation starting with the case study, carrying out full on-board survey, 3D laser imaging to determine the infrastructure requirements. Advise suitable system to satisfy vessel’s requirements and provide detailed design concept with full project scoping. Install the system, utilising our mobile teams, as much as practical, to reduce vessel down time.
- Conversions, from initial feasibility studies to design and actual shipyard work, trials and commissioning. We are keen to offer turnkey solutions to any type of conversion be it at our Swansea complex or afloat whilst in service or at another port during a lay-up. Our concept of offering a turnkey will also include any drawings and we would be happy with the owner’s permission to approach class and the flag authority to obtain the required approval.
- Mobile repairs. Our mobile repair crew is able to carry out repairs on ships in passage, at anchor, alongside or docked. We have the ability to attend any vessel that requires mobile attendance to carry out a range of repairs or maintenance. We have two fully fitted workshops which are constructed within a 40ft container and can be transported to the vessel and placed on board plugged in to the ships power either placed on board or alongside the ship. All works to include steel repair will be carried out with the correct certification and the welders are all coded to LRS. In line with our ship repair policy all certificates for materials, welding rods and coded certificates will be submitted with the invoice.
- Removal of hazardous materials in line with current legislation and the Inventory of Hazardous Materials.
- Exhaust Gas Scrubber Installation, Commission/Repairs: System designed for the removal of SO (Sulphur Monoxide), Soot and solid particles emitted by diesel engines and boiler operations. Overall removal rates of up to 99% SO and up to 97% solid particles.
- Marine Boilers: Supply and installation of Exhaust Gas Marine Boilers, EMB/EME-VST, EMB/EME-HST Fired Marine Water Heater FMW-VD, Monoblock Rotary Cup Burner SKVJ-M.
- Steam Pressure Atomizer: Marine vessels omit more than a billion tonnes of CO2 worldwide every year, this system minimises the CO2 output.